174 research outputs found

    Towards a human eye behavior model by applying Data Mining Techniques on Gaze Information from IEC

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    In this paper, we firstly present what is Interactive Evolutionary Computation (IEC) and rapidly how we have combined this artificial intelligence technique with an eye-tracker for visual optimization. Next, in order to correctly parameterize our application, we present results from applying data mining techniques on gaze information coming from experiments conducted on about 80 human individuals

    Le jeu de rÎle dans l'enseignement supérieur pour développer l'autonomie et la motivation des étudiants

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    Comprend des références bibliographiquesL'informatique est une discipline exigeante à bien des niveaux, et son enseignement a suscité beaucoup de questionnements dans le domaine de la pédagogie. Quand s'ajoutent aux difficultés d'ordre disciplinaire, des éléments de complexité plus fort encore comme l'hétérogénéité d'un groupe d'étudiants (niveaux de compétences différents, formation et parcours professionnels différents, origines ethniques et culturelles différentes), les attendus des enseignants et des étudiants sont forcément mis à mal. Cet article propose l'évaluation d'un dispositif pédagogique par le jeu de rÎle ayant pour but de prendre en compte les difficultés liées à l'altérité des étudiants et de permettre de les surmonter de maniÚre ludique et motivante, en prenant en compte les spécificités de chacun au sein du groupe

    Gestion de groupes multilingues dans un enseignement scientifique

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    National audienceDans cet article, nous dĂ©crivons une stratĂ©gie pĂ©dagogique qui permet une intĂ©gration harmonieuse entre Ă©tudiants francophones et non francophones au sein d'un mĂȘme enseignement scientifique donnĂ© en français. Cette dĂ©marche a Ă©tĂ© testĂ©e Ă  Telecom Bretagne, oĂč nous accueillons chaque annĂ©e une forte proportion (>30%) d'Ă©tudiants non francophones (niveaux A2 ou B1 selon le rĂ©fĂ©rentiel d'Ă©valuation europĂ©en des langues - European Language Evaluation Framework)

    HASAR : mining sequential association rules for atherosclerosis risk factor analysis

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    International audienceWe present the HASAR method that is an hybrid approach for ex- tracting adaptive sequential association rules. This method extracts association rules between events occurring in subsequent time-intervals using closed itemsets extraction and evolutionary techniques. An important feature is its capacity to consider different time-intervals depending on the attributes semantic. We applied this method for the analysis of long term medical observations of atherosclerosis risk factors for cardio-vascular diseases prevention. Experimental results show that it is well-suited for extracting knowledge from temporal data where interesting patterns have different observation period length.Nous prĂ©sentons la mĂ©thode HASAR qui est une approche hybride pour l’extraction de rĂšgles d’assocations sĂ©quentilles. Cette mĂ©thode extrait des rĂšgles association entre des Ă©vĂšnements ayant lieu Ă  diffĂ©rent moment en extrayant des itemsets fermĂ©s frĂ©quents et en utilisant des techniques Ă©volutionnaires. Une fonctionnalitĂ© important de notre mĂ©thode est sa capacitĂ© Ă  s’adapter Ă  diffĂ©rente Ă©chelle de temps en fonction de la sĂ©mantique des attributs. Nous avons appliquĂ© cette mĂ©thode pour analyser des observations mĂ©dicales Ă  long terme sur les facteurs de risques de l’artherosclerose. Les rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux ont montrĂ© que cette mĂ©thode est bien adaptĂ©e pour extraire des connaissance Ă  partir de donnĂ©es temporelles ou les motifs intĂ©ressants doivent ĂȘtre observĂ©s sur diffĂ©rentes pĂ©riodes de temps

    KTA : a framework for integrating expert knowledge and experiment memory in transcriptome analysis

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    International audienceThis paper addresses the problem of the integration of expert knowledge in a data mining process. We present the KTA ( integrating expert Knowledge in Transcriptome analysis) framework which allows the mining process to be driven by prior knowledge on the application domain. KTA is embedded in the MEDIANTE project for evaluating and using DNA microarrays, the CORESE semantic search engine and the ANNOT module which annotates scientific publications.Cet article propose une solution au problĂšme de l’intĂ©gration de la connaissance experte dans le processus de data mining. Nous prĂ©sentons KTA (integrating expert Knowledge in Transcriptome Analysis) qui permet au processus de data mining d’ĂȘtre conduit par des connaissances Ă  priori sur le domaine d’application. KTA est une composante du projet MEDIANTE dont le but est dÂ’Ă©valuer et utiliser des biopuces Ă  ADN

    Le jeu de rÎle dans l'enseignement supérieur pour développer l'autonomie et la motivation des étudiants

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    L’informatique est une discipline exigeante Ă  bien des niveaux, et son enseignement a suscitĂ© beaucoup de questionnements dans le domaine de la pĂ©dagogie. Quand s’ajoutent aux difficultĂ©s d’ordre disciplinaire, des Ă©lĂ©ments de complexitĂ© plus fort encore comme l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© d’un groupe d’étudiants (niveaux de compĂ©tences diffĂ©rents, formation et parcours professionnels diffĂ©rents, origines ethniques et culturelles diffĂ©rentes), les attendus des enseignants et des Ă©tudiants sont forcĂ©ment mis Ă  mal. Cet article propose l’évaluation d’un dispositif pĂ©dagogique par le jeu de rĂŽle ayant pour but de prendre en compte les difficultĂ©s liĂ©es Ă  l’altĂ©ritĂ© des Ă©tudiants et de permettre de les surmonter de maniĂšre ludique et motivante, en prenant en compte les spĂ©cificitĂ©s de chacun au sein du groupe

    Indicators of the Internationalization of the Social Sciences and Humanities

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    This contribution, which is part of the collaborative European research project INTERCOSSH, presents indicators for studying the internationalization of the social and human sciences. Five dimensions are distinguished and for each one of them various indicators are presented. Although neither the dimensions nor the indicators are exhaustive, they capture some of the most significant aspects of internationalization. They pertain to international scholarly associations, international scholarly journals, the flows and meanings of book translations, transnational authorship, and policies of internationalization. In addition to these dimensions, three particular areas of inquiry are presented: changing relations between the North and the South, between Western and Eastern Europe, and between the West and Asia

    Is burnout solely job-related? A critical comment

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    Within the field‐dominating, multidimensional theory of burnout, burnout is viewed as a work‐specific condition. As a consequence, the burnout syndrome cannot be investigated outside of the occupational domain. In the present paper, this restrictive view of burnout\u27s scope is criticized and a rationale to decide between a work‐specific and a generic approach to burnout is presented. First, the idea that a multidimensional conception of burnout implies a work‐restricted scope is deconstructed. Second, it is shown that the burnout phenomenon cannot be confined to work because chronic, unresolvable stress – the putative cause of burnout – is not limited to work. In support of an integrative view of health, it is concluded that the field‐dominating, multidimensional theory of burnout should abandon as groundless the idea that burnout is a specifically job‐related phenomenon and define burnout as a multi‐domain syndrome. The shift from a work‐specific to a generic approach would allow both finer analysis and wider synthesis in research on chronic stress and burnout

    Subcellular localization of 14-3-3 proteins in Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites and evidence for a lipid raft-associated form. in « Fems

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    Abstract A polyclonal antibody was raised against a Toxoplasma gondii 14-3-3^gluthatione S-transferase fusion protein obtained by cloning a 14-3-3 cDNA sequence determined from the T. gondii database. This antibody specifically recognized T. gondii 14-3-3 without any crossreaction with mammalian proteins. Immunofluorescence microscopy studies of the tachyzoites or the T. gondii-infected cells suggested cytosolic and membranous localizations of 14-3-3 protein. Different subcellular fractions were prepared for electrophoresis analysis and immunodetection. 14-3-3 proteins were found in the cytosol, the membrane fraction and Triton X-100-resistant membranes. Two 14-3-3 isoforms were detected. The major one was mainly cytoplasmic and to a lesser extent membrane-associated, whereas the minor isoform was associated with the detergent-resistant lipid rafts.
